A man setting up an RV backup power generator

RV Backup Power – Is It Worth It & What Are My Options?

For anyone who enjoys the open road and the freedom of RV travel, understanding the importance of backup power is key. Ensuring a continuous power supply, even in remote areas, is a crucial part of preparing for your trip. Not only does it allow you to keep essential appliances running, such as refrigerators, air conditioning, and lighting, but it also guarantees a worry-free adventure.

Benefits of RV Backup Power

Continuous Power Supply

One of the main benefits of backup power solutions is the reliability they offer. Say goodbye to fretting about power outages! With backup power solutions, you will always have a dependable source of power, regardless of the local electricity situation.

Keeping Essential Appliances Running

What’s an RV trip without cold beverages or comfortable temperatures? Backup power solutions ensure that your essential appliances keep running without interruption, allowing you to focus on creating unforgettable memories.

No Need for Electrical Hookups

With backup power solutions, you can enjoy the tranquility of remote areas without worrying about finding electrical hookups. This freedom not only enhances your travel experience but also broadens your options when planning your trip.

Ability to Camp in Remote Areas

Unleash your adventurous spirit! Backup power solutions empower you to camp in remote areas, providing more flexibility in mapping out your RV journey.

Cost Savings of Having Backup Power

Say Goodbye to Paying for Electrical Hookups

Adopting backup power solutions means eliminating the cost of electrical hookups at campsites or RV parks. Depending on the cost of the hookup, and your potential power needs, it could help you pinch a few pennies on the road by only using the power you need while free camping versus paying a flat fee for a parking space with hookups.

Reduced Dependence on Generator Fuel

Investing in alternatives like solar power or batteries can significantly reduce your reliance on generator fuel, which can be quite costly, thereby saving you even more money.

Types of Backup Power Solutions


Batteries are an efficient backup power solution that can be charged through solar panels or a generator. They store power efficiently for use when needed, ensuring your RV remains powered during your journey.

Solar Power

Harness the power of the sun! Solar power systems convert sunlight into electrical energy. This power can be used to run your RV appliances directly or stored in batteries for later use, making it an environmentally friendly option.


Generators, though sometimes noisy and requiring fuel, can provide a reliable source of backup power, especially in areas where sunlight might be insufficient.

Risks of Being Without Power During Your RV Trip

Venturing into the wilderness with an RV is an exhilarating experience. However, without a proper backup power solution, you could face some challenges that could turn your dream trip into an uncomfortable or even risky situation. Here are some of the potential hazards of embarking on your RV journey without sufficient power backup.


A power outage in your RV can result in significant inconveniences that could mar the joy of your trip. Imagine being far from civilization, nestled in nature’s lap, and suddenly your RV loses power. Essential appliances like your refrigerator, air conditioning, and lights cease to function, turning your comfortable, homely RV into a hot, dark, and unwelcoming space.

The joy of the wilderness might quickly be replaced with discomfort and frustration. Additionally, finding alternative power sources can be challenging, if not impossible, when you are in remote areas. Without a reliable source of electricity, your ability to enjoy your trip can be greatly hampered, and simple tasks can become arduous endeavors.

Safety Concerns

The safety implications of a power outage while on an RV trip cannot be overstated. A primary concern is lighting. If you find yourself without power when night falls, navigating around your RV can become hazardous. Inadequate lighting increases the risk of accidents like trips and falls, which could lead to serious injuries.

Besides lighting, maintaining food at safe temperatures is another concern. Without power, your refrigerator will stop working, and your stored food could start to spoil. Consuming spoiled food can lead to foodborne illnesses, posing a significant health risk to you and your fellow travelers. Hence, having a backup power solution isn’t just a matter of convenience; it’s a matter of safety.

Costly Repairs

Besides the inconvenience and safety issues, power outages can cause significant financial impact due to potential appliance damage. Electronic appliances are sensitive to power fluctuations. A sudden power outage can damage these appliances, requiring you to fork out money for expensive repairs or replacements.

Additionally, if you find yourself without power, you might make the decision to buy a backup generator or other power source at short notice to avoid further problems. When you’re on the road, availability might be limited, and prices could be inflated, resulting in an unplanned and hefty expense. Therefore, investing in a reliable backup power solution before you need it can actually be a cost-saving measure in the long run.

The Importance of Being Prepared

Power outages can happen unexpectedly, so it’s vital to be prepared with backup power solutions to ensure a comfortable and safe trip. Investing in backup power solutions can provide peace of mind and guarantee that you have a reliable power source, allowing you to enjoy your RV adventure to the fullest. So, it’s not just worth it – it’s a must for any RV enthusiast!

Find the Perfect RV for You – Contact RV Wholesale Superstore

Are you ready to buy your first RV and travel the country? The professionals at RV Wholesale Superstore are ready to help you find the perfect RV for your budget! Visit us in-person at 5080 W. Alexis Road, in Sylvania, OH.

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