Category: RV Living

RVs are your home away from home. But even in the most luxurious RV, you need to downsize your life to make it all fit. This is especially true for small RV living. When you want to make every square foot count, it’s important to take stock of your equipment and clothing to only bring what’s necessary.

Woman living in small RV parked at a campground.

The most important rule to enjoy any RV trip is “stay safe.” Like your home, being safe begins with a plan. While RV fires are unlikely in a well-maintained camper, any motor vehicle or electrical appliance has the potential to start one. If you want to relax on your trips, make sure to practice proper RV fire safety so you don’t have to worry about it. Read below to find tips to keep you and your RV safe from any potential fire hazards.

Hand holding a fire extinguisher and squeezing the trigger.

The freedom of the road isn’t always as “free” as you might hope. Campsites have costs, gasoline prices are all over the place and restaurants get more expensive every year. The cost of RV travel can be a roadblock for frugal adventurers – but it doesn’t have to be. RV traveling on a budget is possible, it just requires skillful planning. Read on to find out how you can hit the road without needing to smash open your piggy bank.

Man filling his RV with gasoline at a gas pump.