Category: RV Living

You are grinning from ear to ear. It is almost as exciting as the day you first got your driver’s license and got to drive solo. You are about to drive away with your new RV in tow! You can’t wait to pull into the driveway at home and start planning your first camping trip! You jump behind the wheel and check your mirrors. You realize you can’t see behind you. Suddenly, the other feeling you had the day you first got your license hits you…fear. You wonder, How in the world do I maneuver this thing?

Just like the driving practice you needed before you drove a car solo for the first time; it’s a good idea to plan some practice drive time with your new RV before you hit the road. With these RV towing tips and a little practice, you and your new RV will be safer and happier on the road.

Two of the most difficult tasks involved in RV camping are backing up to hitch your trailer and backing into your campsite. Whether your motivation is making sure your path is free of small children and pets or simply avoiding starting out every camping adventure with the “joy” of miscommunication as you and your co-pilot try to work together to back into your campsite through gritted teeth, an RV backup camera can help keep you and your loved ones safe.

Whoever said you can’t take it with you wasn’t talking about your wardrobe and an RV trip! Unlike weekend warriors who generally don’t take an entire wardrobe with them, RVers who are taking extended trips, or those contemplating a full-time RV lifestyle, are looking for large RV closets and storage tips because they need to pack more than a pair of hiking boots and an extra sweatshirt.

So how can you make the most of the space you have and which RVs offer the best storage? Choosing your RV wisely and making a few adjustments can go a long way in making sure you have space for everything you need from your wardrobe.