Tag: rv living

There’s a time for recreation and a time for relaxation. Watching TV can be a great way to unwind after a day of adventure or the perfect way to spend a rainy day. What are the options for binging your favorite shows from your RV? Let’s dig into the options for TV service for RVs and what the pros and cons are.

TV Service for RV Options

Streaming Services

TV entertainment has come a long way in a relatively short time. As more and more campground facilities upgrade their WiFi connections, the most common way to enjoy shows on the go has become streaming services.


Streaming services provide the widest library of content when it comes to TV service for RVs. There isn’t a huge expense with streaming service and as long as you can get a strong enough signal, it’s easily accessible. Some streaming services offer a “download before you go” option which comes in handy if you’re camping in an area with a weak signal or don’t have a WiFi booster.


While each streaming service is relatively inexpensive, it can add up quickly when you want to keep up with all the various services. Spotty mobile data signals are another issue. If you choose to camp in remote locations far away from campgrounds with Wifi, you may not get the best TV service for RVs – not to mention really hogging your internet bandwidth.


Satellite TV service for RVs was the leader in RV TV options for years. Many RVs still come pre-wired for satellite but with the many other options that are becoming widely available, it’s difficult to judge how long satellite will be near the top of the list of options of TV service for RVs.


One of the finest things about satellite TV is the great selection of channels most services offer. There’s a much better chance of getting a signal in the middle of nowhere with satellite – a great pro for boondockers. There are also some pay-as-you-go options available with satellite which can appeal to weekend RV warriors who don’t want to miss the big game.


One of the biggest cons with satellites is the trouble with reception when camping in an area with overhead obstructions. While satellites can be great for remote locations, if you enjoy boondocking deep in the woods surrounded by trees, satellite might not be your best bet. Surprisingly, even bad weather can interrupt the TV service for RVs using satellite. This can be a real inconvenience if you’re watching the weather channel!

Another drawback can be the expense. Satellite requires a physical upgrade to your RV. Even if yours comes pre-wired for satellite, you still have to purchase the actual system. It also becomes another thing to remember and maintain when caring for your RV.

Camp Cable

Planning trips to include campgrounds that have direct cable hookups is one way to ensure TV service for RVs.


Cable hookup is generally a reliable TV service for RVs because it’s hardwired to your RV. The selection of channels is usually good but it is dependent on the campground’s service plan, so it can vary.

If you’re a frugal camper, cable is one of the best options because you only have to worry about it when you’re using it and there’s little to maintain.


One notable drawback with cable TV service for RVs is that it requires extra hookups for your RV. Also, hooking up to anything at all when you’re camping in remote areas means cable TV is not an option. Not all campgrounds offer cable hookup, so if that is what you’re relying on as TV service for your RV, it’ll require doing some research beforehand. And remember, even if the campground offers cable, you may not always get access to the channels you want.

Over the Air Antennas

Who says there’s no such thing as free entertainment? If you’re big on patience and low on pickiness, you can get plenty of free TV Service for RVs with the old rabbit ears.


The best thing about antennas is that there isn’t much of an investment necessary. With this TV option, you can spend as much as your budget allows for an RV upgrade to get the antenna of your choice. Antennas can technically be used anywhere which makes it a good option for boondocking or dispersed camping. Antennas may be old fashioned in the grand scheme of TV service for RVs, but even if the variety is limited, they provide distraction on longer trips and generally access to the major networks for local news and weather.


If you are particular about the shows you watch, antennas may not be for you due to the very limited options in terms of channels. Antennas are another upgrade to your RV that you’ll have to maintain. The reception you get on your antenna will vary quite a bit depending on your location.

They are also not the option for anyone with low levels of patience. It can be a tedious task to manually adjust the antenna to get a clear signal – which can be lost the moment someone stands up to get a snack. It’s a phenomenon that could really test your self-control, especially because the signal tends to go out right at the best part of a movie or right before the winning touchdown of the game!

So, whether your motivation is relaxation, distraction, or binging your favorite show, choose the best TV service for RVs that works for you, your budget, and your camping style.

Contact RV Wholesale Superstore

The professionals at RV Wholesale Superstore are ready to help you find the perfect RV for you and your family. Visit us in-person at 5080 W. Alexis Road, in Sylvania, OH or call us at (419) 786-1126

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The spring flowers are in bloom, birds are making their nests, and people get their RVs ready for camping season! While you give your RV a good spring cleaning, it’s also a good time to think about the top RV gadgets for 2022. Whether you have big cross-country trip planned or are getting ready for a season of weekend getaways, nothing says “ready for the season” like fresh air, fresh & clean RV, and fresh new gadgets!

#1. Bluetooth Speaker

While it’s said that life is all about the journey, as fun as being on the road is, RVing is all about enjoying your destination! With a portable Bluetooth speaker, you can bring your favorite tunes with you inside or out. Every RV should have a Bluetooth speaker and with so many options, you can always have music to enjoy. Whether it’s relaxing music for sitting around the campfire, something a little more upbeat for a game of cards or corn hole, or even to make sure you don’t miss your favorite sporting event, a portable Bluetooth speaker is an RV gadget no one should be without. Your favorite music can make your RV feel like home and can certainly make being outside more fun, but no matter your style of music, keep camping etiquette in mind and control the volume.

#2. WiFi Booster

There’s one thing you can’t be sure of when camping, a strong WiFi signal. On the road or even at your campsite, the WiFi can be unreliable. That means the next of the RV gadgets for 2022 that we recommend is a WiFi booster.

Having restricted access to your favorite electronics without a WiFi booster can be annoying. If you are working remotely, it can be downright detrimental. When you need to bring your tech to the great outdoors, a WiFi booster can help you get a better signal. For those who are full-time RVers, you know that staying connected is essential, so a WiFi booster is definitely an essential RV gadget.

#3. Single Serve Coffee Maker

Speaking of enjoying your destination, starting your day off with a fresh, hot cup of coffee is certainly high on the list. Also high on the list of RV gadgets is a single-serve coffee maker. You can easily brew a cup of coffee in less time than it would take to brew a whole pot. Single-serve coffee makers are easy to operate and portable so you can use it inside your RV or plug it in outside for easy access.

With so many pod options for coffee, not to mention tea and hot cocoa, there is something for everyone. Some single-serve coffee makers even have the option for reusable pods or paper pods which can reduce waste if you’re thinking eco-friendly. There are also many different size options, ranging from not much larger than a thermal coffee tumbler to a larger counter-top version. So, you can choose the best option for your needs and find something that you’ll be able to store away quickly and maximize space.

#4. Folding Camp Chair

Making the best use of space is part of RV life. Anything that can fold up and be tucked away when not in use is key in wasted space reduction. This makes folding chairs a top RV gadget and the folding chairs of today are uber comfortable! If you haven’t seen the folding chair options available recently, it is worth your while to look into the brands and accessories available. There are options with everything from pop-on shades to help prevent sunburn or keep you dry in the rain (goodbye umbrella!), to cup holders. Some models even have built-in side tables or foot rests providing the ultimate in relaxation. Now that’s enjoying your destination!

#5. Surge Protector

One thing that probably isn’t on the forefront of your mind when you set out on a trip is an electrical surge. But they can happen and RVs aren’t immune. No one wants to experience a power surge with pricey electronics hooked up! An important RV gadget to have is a surge protector. If you want to keep your valuable electronics safe, using a surge protector in your RV is a must and certainly worth the investment.

#6. Countertop Ice Maker

Cool mornings call for hot coffee, but when the temperatures rise, a cool beverage is in order. What better way to keep cool than with a countertop ice maker! It’s a nifty RV gadget that provides a quick and easy way to get ice when you need it without having to buy it by the bag. Like coffee makers, you can find them in all sizes. Look for the smallest one that will provide what you need so it will store away easily when not in use.

#7. Hitch Lock

The final RV gadget 2022 pick is a hitch lock. Most RVers want to make sure they have one. It’s unlikely your RV will be stolen, but the value of RVs has risen sharply with the surge in demand and shortage of materials over the past couple of years. Reliable hitch locks are inexpensive, making it a wise and affordable investment in keeping your RV safe from any would-be thieves.

No matter your plans for the season, when you’re stocking up on supplies, don’t forget to stock up on the best RV gadgets for 2022!

Contact RV Wholesale Superstore 

The professionals at RV Wholesale Superstore are ready to help you find the perfect RV for you and your family. Visit us in-person at 5080 W. Alexis Road, in Sylvania, OH or call us at (419) 786-1126

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Hitting the open road with RV in tow can bring a sense of freedom as you explore new areas or simply get away from it all for a while. But even when you want to get away, you still want to be connected. There are several options for internet connection while you’re traveling. Researching the available choices and determining your needs before you set out is the best way to ensure you have the RV internet option that you need while you’re away from home.

What Are My RV Internet Options?

Cellular Data

Utilizing the data on your cellular phone is the simplest RV internet option to use. With cell phone plans generally comes a data plan which allows internet access. You can access the internet with 3G, 4G, 4GLTE, or now 5G connections, but be aware with older devices that, according to the FCC, mobile carriers are shutting down their older 3G and some 4G networks. So, even though using your cellular data works all over the nation, by the end of 2022 it will only work if you are on a more modern and supported network.

Even with all the network changes, most travelers find that cellular data is still the easiest way to stay connected when they are on the road. But if you aren’t like most travelers and you prefer dry camping in remote areas or boondocking deep into national parks, cellular data may not be a reliable way to stay connected. It only works when there are cell towers nearby, so if you are out in the middle of nature, you may find yourself disconnected if you’re relying only on cellular data.

Cost is another thing to keep in mind when determining whether using cellular data is the right RV internet option for your needs. If you don’t have an unlimited plan, paying for data – especially if you are off the beaten path – can get expensive. So, if you’re a full time RVer, you may want to consider some of the other options.

Satellite Internet for RVs

Satellite internet connects you to the web using satellites in space. It’s an RV internet option that, barring some environmental factors, means you have internet access anywhere on earth. There is initial setup involved with Satellite internet, but after that, you have access almost anywhere. In that way, it is similar to cellular data plans.

While cellular data plans may not have good signals if you aren’t near a tower, your satellite connection can be limited by things like storms and heavy tree cover which can impede the satellite signal from reaching your dish. So, you may have the ability to stay connected in more areas than cellular data but your signal can be lost abruptly plus you’ll have the costs associated with a monthly internet charge. If you’re one to do a lot of free camping, it can easily offset these charges.

Wired Cable Internet

The best connection is a wired connection. It is stable and reliable. For full-time RVers who stay parked in the same area most of the year there’s no better choice. Some campgrounds offer direct connections to wired internet so it feels just like your home connection. Go ahead, stream those movies, use your favorite apps or browse away, as long as the internet is live and you’re plugged in, you’ll be connected.

The drawback to this RV internet option is that you can’t take it with you. So, if you enjoy remote camping, this won’t be an option for you.

WiFi Internet

The most common RV internet option is public WiFi. Although there may be an extra charge for access, many campgrounds provide free WiFi as one of the amenities. Upon check-in you get your campsite number, a parking tag and the WiFi password; a few clicks later, you’re connected!

Sometimes the signal can be weak depending on how far you are from the WiFi source, so there’s a chance that your connection may be spotty. It’s a great RV internet option for those who regularly patronize campgrounds.

The downside to WiFi is, again, it requires you to be somewhere that it’s provided. The National Park Service offers free WiFi at many of their visitor centers and other locations. If you are staying at one of these National Parks but your campsite isn’t close enough to get service, you could grab your morning coffee and head down to the visitor center for an outdoorsy coffee shop internet café experience.

If you’re boondocking on public land, you’ll have to rely on one of the other RV internet options.

What RV Internet Option Is Best for Me?

There are lots of different RV internet options and the one that is right for you will depend your RV usage. In fact, having more than one option may be the best option if your camping habits change.

If you are on the move a lot and just need to check in on occasion, you may find that your needs are met between campground WiFi and cellular plans. Those on the other end of the spectrum who have a favorite spot they go and stay put, like full-time RVers, will likely benefit from a wired connection.

Then there are those who like to get back to nature and spend their time deep in the woods or remote reaches of parks. If you enjoy disbursed camping in remote areas but still love your gadgets, a satellite RV internet option is the way to go.

The great thing is that no matter what type of camper you are and what your RV usage is, there is an option – or combination of options – that will keep you connected to whatever degree you need so that you can enjoy your RVing to the fullest.

Contact RV Wholesale Superstore 

The professionals at RV Wholesale Superstore are ready to help you find the perfect RV for you and your family. Visit us in-person at 5080 W. Alexis Road, in Sylvania, OH or call us at (419) 786-1126 

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